Tuesday 14 August 2018

Old pics

Found these old pics at my mum's the other day and started scanning them.
Here are some pictures and why they are so precious!

This is a pic with my grandparents from my dad's side. I think this is the only picture that I have of my late Tok Man as he passed away when I was 10 i think. I remember that he was funny and likes to make jokes. Meanwhile my grandmother, we call her Pah Salak, she stayed with us for years as her eyesight deteriorated. What I remember about her was when she was still able, she would make agar2 kering for raya because that was my favourite.

There were loads of pictures of me and my brother. I guess as my parents had more kids, they didn't have time to take loads of pictures. Here are some of my favourites (ie where I think I was cute! hehe)

Here is a fun fact about me, I can vividly remember certain memories from my childhood. Like in the following 2 pics, I remember these moments as I lived them. I remember sitting there eating that ice cream.

And I remember going to this golf course with my parents and my neighbour!

Here are some more cute pictures!

This is me at kindergarten and yes I went to ABIM.

Finally a pic of a moody me at the zoo. This must be in the 90's coz my youngest sister is there!

Aww I love looking at pics. Now I always try to print them off and am finding that Lifebuuk is the easiest and fastest app for printing photos. Photobook takes too much effort to organise and sort into the boxes! So Lifebuuk for the win!

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