Tuesday 6 May 2014

Goncang sebelum Gong Cha! - The Butterfly Project Fundraiser Walkathon

A couple of weeks ago, when Tammy announced that she wanted to hold a Fundraising event in order to raise money for a brand spanking new website, I KNEW I had to join and show my support! After all the opportunities that The Butterfly Project has given me (Spa Party, Kinohimitsu event, Yadah event and NutriSoy event), it was the least I could do! The ticket only costed RM10 and all I had to do was walk for 30 minutes. Easy Peasy!!

So yesterday, I woke up early to join the walkathon. I actually signed myself and the hubby up but I didn't manage to coax him in the end. So I went alone to TTDI park and got registered. I wasn't feeling too well that morning, nearly lost of voice but I didn't want to miss showing my support to this community.

I waited around to see who I could walk around with and met Liz Rohaizat and when CikLilyPutih arrived we decided to begin our walk. But when we entered the park, we saw a group of people doing Zumba! It's been ages since I Zumba-ed and I was happy to find that Lily and Liz were willing to join that instead of walking around.

Gotta love all the semangat people from all range of ages dancing and shaking their thang to the Zumba song! At one point, we were pretty tired and were already salivating at the thought of our FREE Gong Cha! But I said..."Come on!! Kita goncang abis-abisan sebelum Gong Cha!" (I was so proud that I thought of that! :p) So we continued until the end of the session.

My work out buddies last Sunday. All sweated out after our half an hour Zumba workout!

The park was so beautiful and sunny that day. Loving the green scenery!

After the workout, we headed to line up to claim for our Gong Cha.

But the queue was quite long, and my sore throat really couldn't take anything cold, so I passed the coupon to Lily instead and headed home.

We were all given a goody bag for participating and we got all this!!

The Butterfly team managed to secure sponsorship totalling to around RM70 per bag! That's how good they are at what they do and most importantly they do it to help out all bloggers. As a non profit organisation, the amount of time and love that they put into helping other bloggers, creating opportunities and giving exposure to us all has to be commended and applauded. I hope that they have managed to raise enough for the new website! Much love to The Butterfly Project founder Tammy Lim and her SWAT team for organising this event!


  1. your punya bandana cantikla.... colourful...

    1. you punya dpt corak mcm mana?? cool kan? I ingatkan yg jenis kena ikat tu, rupanya mcm headband!

  2. Hi Dina. Baru hari ni baru sempat nak jenguk blog. I baru nak update hari nie. My bad.. my bad. Your bandana is so colourful. I dapat warna pink. Not plain but more like a few tones of pink. Nice too!
